Začiatok: 13. 11. 2019 08:30
Koniec: 13. 11. 2019 17:15
Typ podujatia: Konferencia
Organizátor: CENELEC
Miesto konania: Konferencia
Štát: Belgicko
13 November 2019 at The Square, Brussels, we are organizing a
major European Conference: Boosting Innovation Through Standards (‘Your
Gateway To The Market’).
This is a high-level 1-day event with the intention to gather 350+
participants, predominantly from the research and innovation community to
further strengthen interfaces and connections between innovators and
researchers and the standardization community. The overall aim of this
engagement is boosting the market uptake of innovation and research outcomes,
using standardization as enabler.
are well aware of the key role of NCPs in advising and supporting research
organisations and enterprises at European level, particularly within Horizon
2020 and other programmes. The Horizon 2020 programme covered the entire
research-innovation cycle and this will continue under the upcoming Horizon
Europe. Standardization will remain an important mechanism to increase the
impact of the projects. Therefore, we dedicated a session in our conference to
NCPs and other multipliers to discuss with them the benefits of considering
standardization in R&I projects and provide information and key messages
that they can pass to their members, customers and stakeholders.
session “Standards + Multipliers” offers:
- an insight into good practices from EU-Projects, NCPs
and Standardisation bodies - a discussion about challenges and potential
cooperation improvements between NCPs and standardisation bodies; potential
additional needs with regard to Horizon Europe will be discussed - learnings from good practices, exchange possibilities
with NCPs and standardization experts as well as other multipliers on how to be
best prepared for the future
Please find more information
about the conference programme and speakers in the conference webpage:
Registration is open now and we would like to invite you to register and spread the news among your community.