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o Európskom výskumnom priestore (ERA)

FET-Open RIA Info Day

Začiatok: 27. 04. 2017 08:30

Koniec: 27. 04. 2017 17:00

Typ podujatia: Informačný deň

Organizátor: EK

Miesto konania: Informačný deň

Štát: Belgicko

Opportunity for attendees to learn about the H2020 Future Emerging Technologies (FET- OPEN) Research and Innovation Actions proposal guidelines and submission procedures and about the criteria for evaluation. There will be ample time for questions and for networking among the participants.

The Research Executive Agency (REA) will organise an Information Day on Thursday, 27th April 2017 in Brussels about the second call for proposals to be launched in 2017 by the Future and Emerging Technologies Open (FET-Open) scheme for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA).

The Information Day will target potential applicants for the FET-Open RIA call which will close on 27th September 2017.

Registration and practical information

Please register for the event using this link

The draft agenda of the Infoday is located here

Web-streaming will be live on 27th April 2017 from 9 AM CET. 

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