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Central European cooperation for Industry 4.0 workshop

Začiatok: 20. 09. 2017 09:30

Koniec: 21. 09. 2017 14:00

Typ podujatia: Workshop

Organizátor: Hungarian V4 Presidency

Miesto konania: Workshop

Štát: Maďarsko

The event offers a chance for businesses, researchers, knowledge institutes and intermediaries to meet new partners and exchange ideas for innovative solutions and collaborative investments in the fields of Industry 4.0.

Date and place: 20-21 September 2017, Budapest
Foreseen number of participants: 100-110 people

Objectives of the event:

  • creating a professional forum for regional actors (i.e. higher education, research centres, enterprises, research and innovation agencies, funding agencies) being active in advanced manufacturing and open for international RDI collaborations;
  • presenting relevant cooperation opportunities, existing networks
  • providing opportunity for participants to present their project ideas
  • promoting the preparation of specific regional collaborative projects, consortium building, personalized matchmaking 

Event registration:

Matchmaking registration:


Practical guide

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