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Re-Industrialisation of the EU 2016

Začiatok: 26. 10. 2016 10:00

Koniec: 28. 10. 2016 15:30

Typ podujatia: Konferencia

Organizátor: Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information

Miesto konania: Konferencia

Štát: Slovensko

We would like to invite you for the conference, matchmaking and exhibition called Re-Industrialisation of the EU 2016 from 26th to 28th October 2016 the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava, will welcome about 1,000 participants, which makes it one of the largest events during the Slovak presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2016.

This event will include matchmaking events, poster sessions, site visits around Bratislava, workshops and competitions. It represents a unique opportunity for Slovakia as one of the new EU Member states to present its local perspective on the Horizon 2020 calls, which will open in mid-2016, and present solutions tailored to these countries.

We aim to draw attention to cooperation within the Danube Region and V4 issues. An important outcome of the conference lies in a final strategy document, which will be used as a basis for the next EU Presidency policy making. The event will be prepared in close cooperation with the European Commission.

Registration is open till October 12th 2016.

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