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Webinar: IP Commercialisation and Licensing

Začiatok: 07. 02. 2018 10:30

Koniec: 07. 02. 2018 11:45

Typ podujatia: Workshop

Organizátor: IP

Miesto konania: Workshop

Štát: webinár

Date: Wednesday, 07.02.2018
Time: 10.30-11.45 am (Central European Time/ UTC + 1) – the webinar session will open 15 minutes before the official start
Location: Webinar
Host: European IPR Helpdesk
Speaker: Axel Koch

Level of Expertise: Basic

Language: English

Prerequisites: General knowledge of intellectual property rights

The webinar will provide an overview of key aspects in the field of intellectual property licensing, including negotiation tips and legal traps.

Learning Objectives

After the training, participants should be able to answer the following main questions:

  • What is a licence agreement and when should it be used?
  • What are the main differences between a licence agreement and other contracts (assignment and distribution agreement)?
  • What contracts are used in the preliminary discussions of a licence?
  • What are the key terms of a licence agreement?
  • Which are the specificities of a trade mark or software licence?

Duration: 60 minutes (presentation) + 15 minutes (Q&As)

Fee: The webinar is offered free of charge.  

Registration: Registration will open on the 16th of January.

For further information on  how to join our webinar sessions, please have a look at our quick guide available for download below. For our web-based training sessions we use WebEX Conferencing Technology. We would like you to take note, that you will be asked by WebEx to install a browser application (i. e. the WebEx event center) on your computer when you use WebEx for the first time. This will only take a few minutes, but just for you to have this step in mind, and to possibly inform your system administrator.

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