Začiatok: 06. 09. 2018 09:15
Koniec: 06. 09. 2018 16:30
Typ podujatia: Sympózium
Organizátor: Public Policy Exchange
Miesto konania: Sympózium
Štát: Belgicko
This international symposium provides a timely opportunity to discuss the current developments and challenges of integration in Europe, and to assess the state-of-play in the implementation of the EU framework supporting Member States’ integration policies. The conference will also promote the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in thought-provoking topical debate, whilst sharing best practice and lessons learnt.
The number of third-country citizens living in the EU in January 2016 was 20.7 million, representing 4.1 % of the EU-28 population (Eurostat, 2017). The largest numbers of non-nationals living in the EU Member States were found in Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and France. Non-EU citizens residing in these Member States collectively accounted for 76% of the total of non-nationals living in the EU, while the same five Member States represented 63% of the EU-28’s population (Eurostat, 2017).
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