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Open Market Consultation and Brokerage Event

Začiatok: 12. 07. 2017 08:30

Koniec: 12. 07. 2017 16:30

Typ podujatia: Konferencia

Organizátor: MARINE-EO Consortium

Miesto konania: Konferencia

Štát: Portugalsko

MARINE-EO H2020 is the first Earth Observation Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project that aims at developing a set of demand-driven EO-based services, adopted on open standards, bringing incremental or radical innovation in the fields of marine environment and security leveraging on existing Copernicus Services and other products from the Copernicus portfolio.

This all-day event is organized by the MARINE-EO Consortium in collaboration with the European Commission in order to inform potential tenderers (industries, SMEs, start-ups, research centers, universities etc.) and end-users about the project objectives and the PCP procedure, while at the same time to broach the views of the market about the intended R&D scope. The results of the event will be duly taken into account in order to fine-tune the tender specifications, so that the gap between the state-of-the art solutions and the procurement needs justifies the need to procure EO R&D services.

Participation in the event is free of charge with limited participants due to the room capacity.

Do not miss the opportunity to take part in this innovative procurement process and to contribute actively for the development of solutions in a real-life and end-user environment by integrating these in actual operational scenarios.


Information about lots:

Lot No 1: Thematic Area 1 — Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring and Climate Change downstream services (SATOCEAN). Estimated cost excluding VAT: between 1.300.000 and 1.600.000 EUR

Lot No 2: Thematic Area 2 — Copernicus Maritime Security downstream service (SATSURVEILLANCE). Estimated cost excluding VAT: between 1.150.000 and 1.450.000 EUR



21 June 2017 | Registration and expression of interest to present your project ideas and competences:

30 June 2017 | Completion of the following request for information:

12 July 2017  | Open Market Consultation and Brokerage Event


Useful links:

Prior Information Notice (also attached):

MARINE-EO website:


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