Začiatok: 14. 12. 2018 09:00
Koniec: 14. 12. 2018 17:00
Typ podujatia: Konferencia
Organizátor: IMI
Miesto konania: Konferencia
Štát: Luxembursko
Luxinnovation and its partners, Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg (IBBL), Laboratoire national de santé (LNS) and Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), are pleased to invite you to an international conference and networking event celebrating 10 years of medical breakthrough funding by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). The event will focus on the optimal use of medical data generated through current and future IMI projects. You will have a chance to exchange best practices and meet representatives from the pharmaceutical industry, biotech companies, academia and research infrastructures to forge new partnerships in medical research.
The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is a unique partnership between the European Union and the European pharmaceutical industry that funds research projects based on direct industry needs. IMI facilitates open collaboration in research to advance the development of, and accelerate patient access to, personalised medicines for the health and wellbeing of all, especially in areas of unmet medical need.
Luxembourg presents an exciting portfolio of health-related research, infrastructure and innovation through continuous investment in the ecosystem, and is regarded as a perfect testbed to implement and pilot innovative health solutions in an entire healthcare system.
The conference will include sessions on neurodegeneration, oncology, biomarkers and diagnostics and analyse how the long-term use of data generated in this field can be made secure, sustainable and of the best benefit to the patient. It will also be an opportunity to discuss future priorities of IMI and network with potential collaboration partners for forthcoming projects. Furthermore, there will be presentations on SME opportunities in IMI, IMI grant writing and a pitching session to present your project or project idea to the entire audience.
The event will bring together healthcare professionals from academia, industry, research infrastructures, patient organisations and EU funding experts. Invited speakers will include:
- project coordinators from past and current IMI projects
- local flagship projects from related areas
- IMI officials
- European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) representatives
- national policy makers and other stakeholders
Registration will open in early autumn, when the detailed event programme will also be available. Registration will be free of charge but the number of places available limited