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Fostering Active & Healthy Ageing: Harnessing the Demographic Transition in the EU

Začiatok: 18. 01. 2018 10:00

Koniec: 18. 01. 2018 16:30

Typ podujatia: Sympózium

Organizátor: Public Policy Exchange

Miesto konania: Sympózium

Štát: Belgicko

This international symposium will offer an invaluable opportunity to consider different ways  and strategies to promote healthy and active ageing and foster the engagement of the elderly in society, Furthermore, it will analyse challenges and opportunities raised by the demographic transition and explore practical solutions the issues associated with an ageing population in Europe. Finally, it will highlight the most recent technological innovations at service of the elderly and how they can be used to lower the costs associated with ageing and improve the lives of older citizens, whilst simultaneously helping to boost the economy.


Delegates will:

  • Understand challenges and opportunities raised by the demographic transition in the EU
  • Evaluate the silver economy as a driver for economic growth
  • Assess the current EU framework in the field of active ageing
  • Examine ways in which older people can continue to engage with society and how barriers can be overcome
  • Analyse how health and care systems can become more sustainable and how to pre-empt risks linked to an ageing population
  • Develop innovative ideas in the field of age friendly environments and personal health management
  • Share best practice on innovative projects aimed at promoting active and healthy agein

Programme….read more

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