Začiatok: 23. 06. 2017 09:00
Koniec: 23. 06. 2017 16:01
Typ podujatia: Odborný seminár
Organizátor: EK
Miesto konania: Odborný seminár
Štát: Belgicko
The NCP_Wide.Net Project is present on E² Tech4Cities Brokerage Event 2017. Energy & Efficiency Technologies for Cities
Date: 23/06/2017
Venue: DUO Building Chaussée de Charleroi, 112
1060 Brussels
The brokerage event E²Tech4Cities is organized by EEN together with C-Energy2020 and NCP_WIDE.NET. The event will focus on Energy & Efficiency Technologies for Cities.
This is a 3rd editon of its highly visible brokerage event organized by Enterprise Europe Brussels.
During the meeting You can meet:
Private companies (including Start-ups SMEs and large companies),
Public authorities and municipalities
Industry associations
Universities and research centers
Investors and Business Angels
Specific topics of the meeting:
Renewable energies
Energy-efficient Buildings and districts
ICT for cities, Smart cities and communities
Energy efficient mobility and transport
European Research and Innovation opportunities under Horizon 2020
Energy management
Energy recovery
Smart grids and energy systems integration
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