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Conference on animal testing for GM plants risk assessment

Začiatok: 16. 04. 2018 09:00

Koniec: 16. 04. 2018 17:00

Typ podujatia: Konferencia

Organizátor: *

Miesto konania: Konferencia

Štát: Slovensko

We cordially invite you to participate in the G-TwYST Final Conference on the value of animal testing for GM plants risk assessment.

Genetic modification (GM) in plants has been a topic of controversy for many years, and the conversations are only getting more intense. The safety of GM food/feed and the use and value of animal feeding studies for assessing potential toxicity in the short and longer term has been a particular focus of the controversy. To contribute to research on whether and how such studies should be performed, the European Commission and the French Government have spent approximately 10 million euro on 3 research projects over the last 6 years. On the 16th of April 2018, these projects: G-TwYSTGRACE and GMO90+ will host a joint conference on their general conclusions and recommendations:

Assessing Short- and Long-Term Rat Feeding Studies with

Genetically Modified Maize NK603 and MON 810

Held in Bratislava, this conference will engage with a broad range of stakeholders and policymakers about the quality criteria for the performance and evaluation of feeding studies, their value and necessity, and in this context will discuss broader societal issues.

About animal feeding studies for GM plants

Rodent feeding studies on GM food aim to determine potential risks to humans when consuming GM food. At present in the EU short-term animal feeding trials are mandatory before marketing of GM food. Guidelines and recommendations for these type of toxicity studies are available from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) but experience in applying these guidance documents is so far limited – in particular with long-term studies.

The hosting projects

G-TwYST (Genetically modified plants Two Year Safety Testing), GRACE (GMO Risk Assessment and Communication of Evidence) (two European Commission funded research projects) and GMO90+ (a research project financed by the French government) conducted short and long-term rodent feeding trials with 2 different types of GM maize. The studies were to constitute a base on which to develop guidance on the design, conduct, analysis, and interpretation of toxicity and carcinogenicity (cancer-causing) studies and to evaluate their value for GM risk assessment. The three projects have had a heavy emphasis on including all societal actors in the research, including altering study plans based on comments and recommendations from stakeholders.

Conference Details


For any queries please contact Mr Huib de Vriend at

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