Začiatok: 17. 01. 2019 09:15
Koniec: 17. 01. 2019 16:30
Typ podujatia: Sympózium
Organizátor: Public Policy Exchange
Miesto konania: Sympózium
Štát: Belgicko
With 315 million Europeans using the internet each day, the provision of critical services and the functioning of a modern economy are now entirely dependent upon the robustness and safety of cyberspace and its infrastructure. Cyber security attacks are a growing source of threat and concern, while also representing a growing economic opportunity for Europe, with the market predicted to be worth over $100 Billion by 2018 (European Commission). Moreover, cyber attacks in the EU are constantly growing in both their frequency (quintuplicate between 2013 and 2017) and sophistication. Only in 2017, 4 out of 5 organisations either replaced or augmented their existing antivirus (Barkly 2018) and only a third of organisations believe they have adequate resources to manage security effectively (Ponemon Institute).
In response to the increased cyber threats, in September 2017, the European Commission published an updated EU Cyber security package:
- It proposed a far-reaching reform of ENISA’s mandate (the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security), to improve its ability to support MS in their implementation of the NIS directive.
- A joint Commission-industry initiative will also be launched to define a “duty of care” principle to reduce product and software vulnerabilities and promote a “security by design” approach for all connected devices.
- It put forward a proposal for a EU certification framework coordinated by ENISA itself.
- It published further guidance for the correct and effective implementation of the NIS directive.
At present, Europe’s ability to detect, investigate and counter threats from cyber activities is significantly challenged. Technological advancements have far outpaced policymakers’ responses to the shifting threats of cyberspace, with solutions driven primarily by national interest, rather than multilateral collaboration. Developments in the Internet of Things (IOT) pose new challenges, whilst the cyber security market itself remains highly fragmented, due to a lack of interoperability and reduced consumer trust in cross border e-commerce.
This symposium will therefore offers businesses, local actors, industry regulators, intelligence agencies, police, technology specialists, academics and other key stakeholders with a timely and invaluable opportunity to engage with European cyber security policies, collectively enhance defences in the attempt to not only counter but also anticipate the ever more sophisticated types of Cyber attacks, brainstorming for ways in which the EU could support European companies grab a greater market’s share of the Cyber security sector and find ways to further enhance the issue of cyber defence in the CFSP.
Delegates will:
- Analyse the 2017 European Cyber Security Package
- Gain insight on the newly proposed ENISA mandate to tackle emerging cyber threats
- Discuss methods to combat cyber crime and increase resilience
- Learn how public and private sector employers can cooperate through the adopt behaviours and policies to keep their organisations and staff safe from cyber attack
- Build strategies to address interoperability in cyberspace and discuss ways to capitalise on the growing opportunities for E-commerce
- Examine and analyse the emerging risks created by an expanded ‘Internet of Things’, both for cyber security and for citizens’ rights
- Establish clear links between the implementation of the NIS Directive and the impacts on businesses, consumers and the technology industry
- Take part in lively and interactive discussions with key stakeholders in the field of cyber security and build lasting partnerships for future collaboration
- Share best practice and work in collective partnerships to rectify avoidable vulnerabilities to cyber attacks
To view our brochure, including the full event programme, click here.
In the meantime, to ensure your organisation is represented, please book online or complete and return the attached registration form at your earliest convenience in order to secure your delegate place(s).