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EU coordinators’ day

Začiatok: 20. 11. 2017 09:30

Koniec: 20. 11. 2017 17:00

Typ podujatia: Informačný deň

Organizátor: EK

Miesto konania: Informačný deň

Štát: Belgicko

On the 20th November 2017 the European Commission is organising a “coordinators’ day” for coordinators of existing grants. The purpose of the event is to explain the details on the preparation of grant amendments and reports. It will take place in the Charlemagne building in Brussels from 9.30 to 17.00h. The event is mainly meant for grant coordinators, but other participants are also welcome subject to the availability of seats.

Registration (first-come first-served) is via the following website:….

The agenda is also available there.

It will also be possible to follow the event online at… (no need to register).

As a reference, a News item about the event will be published on the Participant Portal (…). 

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