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Workshop – Biopolymers and biomaterials for packaging and goods

Začiatok: 12. 10. 2017 09:30

Koniec: 12. 10. 2017 16:00

Typ podujatia: Workshop

Organizátor: Lodz University of Technology

Miesto konania: Workshop

Štát: Poľsko

Polish Technology Platform of Bioeconomy (PTPB), Polish Industrial Cluster and consortium partner of the SuperBIO H2020 Project, kindly invites you to participate in

The Thematic SuperBIO Workshop titled “Biopolymers and biomaterials for packaging and goods” , which will take place in Lodz (Poland) the 12th of October 2017 .

SuperBIO is an innovation project supported through the Horizon2020 funding program of the European Commission. The 3.8 million euro project is committed to build new, innovative, cross-border and cross-sectorial value chains in the bio-based economy that have the potential to disrupt existing value chains in the fossil oil based economy. About 50% of the budget is allocated to 10 innovation services which are to be provided to third party SMEs part of new value chains. The SuperBIO consortium includes 10 organisations from six different countries (see

Please find attached info about project and our workshop, the preliminary workshop agenda and latest SuperBIO Press Release.

To register for the workshop please use the following link:

For guidance documents – see here.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge.

Polish Technology Platform of Bioeconomy is the contact point for your country in SuperBIO project so feel free to contact us if you are interested in knowing more about SuperBIO opportunities for SMEs. You can do it in the following emails:
Beata Kolesinska:
Katarzyna Struszczyk-Świta:
Ewa Gromek:

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