Začiatok: 03. 11. 2015 09:00
Koniec: 06. 11. 2015 15:00
Typ podujatia: Sympózium
Organizátor: University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague, Czech Republic
Miesto konania: Sympózium
Štát: Česká republika
This is a warm invitation to join RAFA 2015 symposium,
We hope you appreciate this year RAFA program (see attached file) that has been selected with the emphasis on the top science addressing all the current and emerging issues of food analysis and related fields.
Supposing you attend RAFA 2015 and are willing to submit last minute poster (great opportunity for students to discuss your results with top scientists!), please register here and upload your abstract for last minute poster here.
November 3rd 2015: morningt seccion dedicated to the Horizon 2020
October 6, 2015 | Last minute posters deadline |