Začiatok: 29. 10. 2018 09:00
Koniec: 31. 10. 2018 18:00
Typ podujatia: Kongres
Organizátor: *
Miesto konania: Kongres
Štát: Portugalsko
The World Vaccine Congress Europe is back for its 19th annual in October after our biggest event ever last year. We received fantastic positive feedback on the agenda, the speakers, the sessions and the interactive networking receptions such as our “Meet & Greet” with key speakers.
We have continued to grow the Congress with even more scientific scope, breadth and relevant content in Immunotherapy, Respiratory Infections, Emerging & Neglected Diseases, Clinical Trials, Anti-Microbial Resistance & Bacterial vaccines, New Technology & Bioprocessing and Delivery & Manufacture.
And of course, our co-located 4th World Veterinary Vaccines Congress, and 3rd Immuno-Oncology Profiling World Congress occur in association with the World Vaccine Congress in order to compliment your vaccine research.
What’s new in 2018? Download the brochure to find out.