Začiatok: 14. 04. 2019 08:30
Koniec: 16. 02. 2025 20:02
Typ podujatia: Kongres
Organizátor: Terrapinn
Miesto konania: Kongres
Štát: USA
R & D + Strategic Partnering For The Global Vaccine Industry -The World’s Most Exciting Vaccine Event
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We’re excited to announce 300 speakers have already confirmed their attendance for the world’s leading vaccine congress.
They will discuss all the latest developments and challenges in areas such as:
* Cancer Immunotherapy
* Immune Profiling
* Respiratory Vaccines
* Emerging & Re-emerging Diseases
* Clinical Trials
* Vaccine Partnerships
* Bioprocess & Manufacture
* Vaccines Safety
* Logistics and Veterinary Vaccines.
* BioDefense
* Big Data
* Bioinformatics