Koniec: 27. 01. 2024 00:00
Typ podujatia: Odborný seminár
Miesto konania: Odborný seminár
Štát: Spojené Kráľovstvo
ESRC and
AHRC, through the National Contact Point for Embedding SSH, together with the
University of Manchester, present a unique event showcasing the best of UK-EU
SSH partnerships across Horizon 2020 (H2020).
science, arts and humanities researchers lead and make key contributions to
many collaborative H2020 projects outside of Societal Challenge 6. This event
aims to showcase some of the partnerships built, maintained and expanded across
disciplines and across countries through H2020 funding, and to consider
barriers and benefits of interdisciplinary working, including the increased
scope for impact.
A diverse
set of case studies will present their perspectives on interdisciplinary
partnerships within different Societal Challenges. A roundtable session
including representatives from UKRI, Net4Society and the European Commission
will discuss some key questions and challenges of interdisciplinary
Registration now open here.
Zverejnené: kas