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Health and Care in a Digitising World

Začiatok: 16. 01. 2019 09:15

Koniec: 16. 01. 2019 16:30

Typ podujatia: Sympózium

Organizátor: Public Policy Exchange

Miesto konania: Sympózium

Štát: Belgicko

Public spending on health and long-term care is steadily rising in EU Member States and is expected to continue to do so (EC 2016 Joint Report), but healthcare systems in Europe have come under pressure in recent decades because of an ageing population and budgetary constraints. Responding to the increased budgetary challenges, national governments in recent years have been increasingly recognising the important role that e-Health can play in improving performance and capacity of healthcare systems. According to a 2016 WHO survey 70% of EU Member States have a national eHealth policy or strategy. 

In April 2018 the European Commission outlined in a Communication the actions it will carry out to continue supporting its eHealth strategy, which include developing common standards, improving interoperability of systems, and helping reduce Member States’ healthcare costs using eHealth solutions. To this end cross-border data exchange between Members is paramount. Such cooperation can also encourage the development of a single, EU-wide e Health market – part of a global growth market expected to grow globally by 14% per annum up to 2021 (Mordor Intelligence Report, 2017). The Commission together with Member States, is building an EU-wide eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure (HDSI), aimed at allowing the exchange of limited health data – specifically ePrescriptions and patient summaries – across national borders.

Despite these initiatives, the uptake of digital solutions for health and care remains slow and varies greatly across Member States and regions. In a public consultation carried out by the European Commission in 2017 respondents identified important challenges preventing the adoption of digital health and care solutions across the EU, namely access to health data, diversity of Electronic Health Records, lack of interoperability and access to digital health services. The consultation also identified concerns regarding the electronic sharing of data and the risk of privacy breaches. In response the Commission will monitor the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Regulation on electronic identification and trust services with regard to health, and particularly mHealth.

This International Symposium will therefore provide a timely opportunity for practitioners and stakeholders across Europe to discuss the latest development and consider ways to overcome challenges to improve eHealth services across Europe and to gain more understanding of EU actions in the sector. Public Policy Exchange welcomes the participation of all key partners, responsible authorities and stakeholders. The symposium will support the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in thought-provoking topical debates.

Delegates will:

  • Assess the Commission’s latest actions to support the eHealth sector
  • Explore the development of the eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure (HDSI) and its goals
  • Analyse the European electronic health record exchange initiative and explore EU financing instruments, such as the European Structural and Investment Funds
  • Assess the EU Code of conduct on privacy for mHealth apps, including the recently proposed rules on certification for cyber security requirements
  • Consider how to strengthen partnerships between app developers and traditional healthcare companies
  • Assess contemporary digitisation initiatives and make suggestions for future development strategies
  • Debate ways of facilitating investment opportunities in Member States and regions for the large-scale deployment of digitally-enabled care programs
  • Examine local engagement in healthcare digitisation and develop a framework for leaders developing local plans
  • Promote collaboration on digital development between the public healthcare systems, local authority teams, the third sector, suppliers, managers and other relevant stakeholders
  • Scrutinise the reliability of medical information provided through mHealth apps
  • Gain knowledge on the interoperability of mHealth services

To view our brochure, including the full event programme, click here. 

We would like to advise you that we offer a 20% early registration discount off the standard delegate rates (subject to type of organisation and terms and conditions) for bookings received by the 14th December 2018. Do feel free to circulate this information to relevant colleagues within your organisation. 

In the meantime, to ensure your organisation is represented, please book online or complete and return the attached registration form at your earliest convenience in order to secure your delegate place(s).

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