Začiatok: 27. 01. 2021 10:00
Koniec: 27. 01. 2021 11:00
Typ podujatia: Webinár
Organizátor: NGI Business Accelerator
Miesto konania: Webinár
27. januára 2021 o 10:00-11:00 sa uskutoční webinár v rámci projektu TETRA (projekt zameraný na oblasť New Generation Internet – NGI), na ktorom môžete získať praktický prehľad o možnostiach nastavenia biznisu pri predaji softvérových produktov pre novú generáciu internetu.
Na tomto webinári sa dozviete o rôznych typoch obchodných modelov, od najzákladnejších modelov „priameho predaja“ až po softvér / produkt ako služba (Software as Service – SaaS) a ďalšie hybridné modely vhodné pre open source.
Popíšeme rozdiely a vhodnosť pre konkrétne situácie. Potom posúdime, čo by tieto obchodné modely mohli pre váš projekt znamenať a aké sú predpoklady ich úspešnej realizácie.
- Welcome and introduction to TETRA project: NGI Business Accelerator (5 min)
- Introduction to business models (15 min) – Definition of a business model, its basic features and evolution over time
- How do business models differ, when to use which? (15 min) – Business models that we know today, inspiring examples of various applications
- Business models for non profit? Open source? (10 min) – Guidance on how to find a fitting business model, how-to’s and advice for not purely profit driven projects
- Questions and answers (15 min)
Profil lektora:
Slavo TULEYA is a “Generation Y” expert on Corporate Innovation and Intrapreneurship. In the past, he gained experience by helping launch Innovation labs such as the SKODA AUTO DigiLab and its related offices in Tel Aviv and Beijing. Slavo lived in 7 countries in the last 7 years and accumulated his experience from Real-Estate, Utilities, and Automotive. He is a Certified Design Sprint Master and founder of the Czechoslovak Service Design Community. Today he continues building new ventures in the field of Digital Native Vertical Brands and Service Design. Companies usually get in touch with Slavo for advice on how to set up internal innovation labs, methodologies, and keynotes on Intrapreneurship.
Zdroj:, zverejnené: 26.1.2021, autor: rpa