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Kongres: The European Congress on Treatment of Less Common GI Malignancies (CGIM2019)

Začiatok: 02. 05. 2019 08:00

Koniec: 03. 05. 2019 17:00

Typ podujatia: Kongres

Organizátor: Bio Events

Miesto konania: Kongres

Štát: Rakúsko

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend The European Congress on Treatment of Less Common GI Malignancies (CGIM2019) which will  take place 2-3 May 2019 in Vienna, Austria.

CGIM2019 will raise hot debates associated with the care of gastrointestinal cancers, focusing on the current approach to less common and more difficult to treat malignancies, including pancreatic cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), neuroendocrine tumors (NETS) and cholangiocarcinoma. Discussion will include the role of complex gene analysis, update of the current algorithms, targeted therapies and immunotherapy. 

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