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Otvorenie Uzávierka Názov Oblasť Horizontu Status
22.06.2021 00:00 06.10.2021 00:00 Fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption Klaster 6: Potraviny; biohospodárstvo; prírodné zdroje; poľnohospodárstvo a životné prostredie Uzavretá
24.06.2021 00:00 05.01.2022 00:00 Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02) Klaster 5: Klíma; energetika a mobilita Uzavretá
08.04.2021 00:00 06.10.2021 00:00 EIC Accelerator Open 2021 Európska rada pre inovácie (EIC) Uzavretá
23.06.2021 00:00 21.09.2021 00:00 Environment and health Klaster 1: Zdravie Uzavretá
23.06.2021 00:00 21.09.2021 00:00 Staying Healthy Klaster 1: Zdravie Uzavretá
22.06.2021 00:00 06.10.2021 00:00 Biodiversity and ecosystem services Klaster 6: Potraviny; biohospodárstvo; prírodné zdroje; poľnohospodárstvo a životné prostredie Uzavretá
22.06.2021 00:00 23.09.2021 00:00 Enabling an operational, open and FAIR EOSC ecosystem Výskumné infraštruktúry Uzavretá
22.06.2021 00:00 23.09.2021 00:00 Research Infrastructure services to support health research, accelerate the green and digital transformation, and advance frontier knowledge Výskumné infraštruktúry Uzavretá
22.06.2021 00:00 23.09.2021 00:00 Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods Výskumné infraštruktúry Uzavretá
22.06.2021 00:00 23.09.2021 00:00 Developing, consolidating and optimising the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership Výskumné infraštruktúry Uzavretá