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Otvorenie Uzávierka Názov Oblasť Horizontu Status
22.06.2021 00:00 21.10.2021 00:00 Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the Green Deal (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01) Klaster 4: Digitalizácia; priemysel a vesmír Uzavretá
12.10.2021 00:00 27.09.2022 00:00 Climate sciences and responses (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D1-01-two-stage) Klaster 5: Klíma; energetika a mobilita Uzavretá
24.06.2021 00:00 19.10.2021 00:00 Efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy use (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D4-01) Klaster 5: Klíma; energetika a mobilita Uzavretá
22.06.2021 00:00 21.10.2021 00:00 World leading data and computing technologies 2021 (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01) Klaster 4: Digitalizácia; priemysel a vesmír Uzavretá
22.06.2021 00:00 23.09.2021 00:00 Digitised, resource-efficient and resilient industry 2021 (HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01) Klaster 4: Digitalizácia; priemysel a vesmír Uzavretá
22.06.2021 00:00 23.09.2021 00:00 Twin green and digital transition 2021 (HORIZON-CL4-2021-TWIN-TRANSITION-01) Klaster 4: Digitalizácia; priemysel a vesmír Uzavretá
14.10.2021 00:00 12.01.2022 00:00 Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility services for passengers and goods (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-01) Klaster 5: Klíma; energetika a mobilita Uzavretá
24.06.2021 00:00 02.09.2021 00:00 Network connectivity in Research and Education – Enabling collaboration without boundaries Výskumné infraštruktúry Uzavretá
24.06.2021 00:00 14.09.2021 00:00 Clean and competitive solutions for all transport modes (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01) Klaster 5: Klíma; energetika a mobilita Uzavretá
08.04.2021 00:00 06.10.2021 00:00 EIC Accelerator Challenge: Green Deal innovations for the Economic Recovery Európska rada pre inovácie (EIC) Uzavretá