Dátum otvorenia: 04. 05. 2023 00:00
Uzávierka: 05. 09. 2023 00:00 -
ID výzvy: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-02
Rozpočet: 54 000 000
Kontaktná osoba: Miroslava Tužinská
Oblasti výzvy:
- energeticky účinné, udržateľné a klimaticky neutrálne budovy a priemyselné zariadenia
- priemyselné zariadenia v energetickej transformácii
Témy výzvy:
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-02-01: Innovative uses of lifecycle data for the management of buildings and buildings portfolios (Built4People Partnership) (IA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-02-02: Solutions for the identification of vulnerable buildings and people-centric built environment, and for improving their resilience in disruptive events and altered conditions in a changing climate (Built4People Partnership) (IA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-02-03: Demonstrate built-environment decarbonisation pathways through bottom-up technological, social and policy innovation for adaptive integrated sustainable renovation solutions (Built4People Partnership) (IA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-02-04: Fast-tracking and promoting built environment construction and renovation innovation with local value chains (Built4People Partnership) (CSA)
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-02-05: Supporting the creation of an accessible and inclusive built environment (Built4People Partnership) (IA)
Všetky témy sú jednokolové (single stage) s uzávierkou 5. septembra 2023.
Vo výzve HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-02 je spolu 5 tém z nich 4 typu IA a 1 téma typu CSA. Prepokladá sa, že z rozpočtu výzvy 54 000 00 EUR bude podporených približne 9 projektov.
HORIZON EUROPE Programme Guide
Kontakt v SR pre viac informácií: Miroslava Tužinská
Zdroj: FTO, zverejnené 28.4.2023, mit