Ponuka z Grécka

Hľadá sa partnerská organizácia, ideálne člen siete Enterprise Europe Network EEN alebo digitálny inovačný HUB do projektového návrhu, ktorý pripravuje grécky koordinátor v rámci témy: HORIZON-EIE-2022-CONNECT-01-02: Integration of social innovation actors in innovation ecosystems

Chýbajúci partner by mal spľňať nasledovné požiadavky:

ROLE: Tech Park, Accelerator, TT Office managing a portfolio of technologies to Push Innovation/ Technologies to Social Actors (Sustainability / clean energy / environment…)

COUNTRIES – 1st Priority : IT / CY / ES / PT / LT

COUNTRIES – 2nd Priority : SK / HU / PO

Projekt bude zameraný na nasledovné oblasti/aktivity:

  • the transfer of knowledge and building capacities among the innovation actors (including universities, accelerators and incubators, networks of start-ups), so that they would be better equipped to work with the social entrepreneurs; examples may include: activities aiming at creating and improving connections of social entrepreneurs to stakeholders in innovation ecosystems (e.g. gathering, production and diffusion of relevant information materials), study visits and exchange of good practices, training activities, webinars, seminars, conferences, etc., developing business support services for social entrepreneurs (e.g. toolkits, templates, manuals and other support material), awareness raising activities among the network’s members and towards the wider audience, engagement of social entrepreneurs in business and entrepreneurial skills and knowledge enforcement trainings;
  • creation and/or connection of social innovation hubs/centres of excellence; integration of social innovation dimension to existing tech-oriented hubs;
  • detection of possible innovation models with potential of scaling and replicability at national, regional, and local level. Although one size does not fit all, the examples of social innovator’s scaling path may help public authorities to design and implement new evidence-based policies; help in detecting the local partners (e.g. other organisation and/or individuals – micro franchisees) to deploy the model;
  • creation or utilization of the already existing open platform that use digital technologies to connect a global network of social entrepreneurs to promote the best practices, alternative financing opportunities and improve their skills.

V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok prosím kontaktujte príslušné NCP.

28.3.2022, mit