Koordinátor hľadá partnerov do projektu (aviation)

Poľsko-taliansko-fínske konzorcium v zložení:

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences
  2. Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials, National Research Council of Italy
  3. Addcomposites, Finland,

hľadá partnerov do pripravovaného projektu, v rámci témy Klastra 5: Klíma, energetika a mobilita:

Téma sa bude otvárať 7. decembra 2023 a uzávierku má 18. apríla 2024.

Očakávané výstupy projektu:

  • Advanced composite technologies, with emphasis on new designs, high-volume sustainable manufacturing with integrated inspection, sustainable and free of toxic substances, recycling and circularity, structures safety requirements (EMC/lighting protection, ice formation, fire, fatigue, crashworthiness and ditching) and additive manufacturing of the new generation of composites – for aerostructures and propulsion.
  • Breakthrough technologies in coupled aerostructures-systems-propulsion integration.
  • Cost-competitive maintenance and repair of composite aerostructures, including Structural Health Monitoring (SHM).
  • Advancements in physical and digital research infrastructures, with emphasis on aerostructures for all aircraft configurations with emphasis on synergies with the three Clean Aviation (CA) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) thrusts, with an eye towards virtual certification.

Viac o partneroch pripravovaného projektu, ich expertíze a ponuke na spoluprácu nájdete vo formulári.

V prípade záujmu môžete kontaktovať priamo: Paweł Malinowski, PhD, DSc, associate professor [pmalinowski@imp.gda.pl]

V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok prosím kontaktujte príslušné NCP.

Pracovný program pre Klaster 5: Klíma, energetika a mobilita

mit, 12.6.2023