Rámcový program


NGO OXFAM is looking for a consortium on the call of Migration

Please find attached the profile of a very interesting NGO looking for a consortium on the call of Migration (topics 1, 2, 7, 8).

Oxfam is an international NGO with more than 70 years of experience, working in 90 countries to end poverty. Oxfam is a global confederation with relevant added value to the consortia related to Horizon 2020 and similar calls: the power to mobilize civil society networks, a high management capacity and EU expertise, multiple partners in Europe and in other regions and the capacity to bring insights on how to put theory into practice. Oxfam Intermon is the Spanish affiliate and is exploring potential partnerships in the specific call on Migration.


You will find attached a brief note explaining their interest and added value as a specialized civil society organization on the highlighted topics.