V spolupráci so sieťou EEN – Enterprise Europe Network, ktorej sme členom, vám prinášame prehľad možností zapojenia sa do pripravovaných konzorcií v rámci programov EÚ za posledné mesiace. Momentálne na tejto stránke prinášame prehľad aktuálnych ponúk, ktorých celé znenie je dostupne v internom systéme EEN. V prípade, že vás niektorá z ponúk na partnerstvo zaujala kontaktujte nás. Poskytneme vám podrobné informácie o ponuke a kontakt na koordinátorov a ďalšie subjekty, ktoré hľadajú partnerov na spoluprácu.

Consortium Search for HORIZON-CL5-2024-D5-01-05 Call
The company proposes a “Software Defined Vehicle Application Development Platform (MobiLib Platform)” which simplify in-vehicle signals by pre-processing and bring them to vehicle-independent development platform which provide a virtual interface/workspace with useful toolboxes and open-source libraries specifically designed for mobility applications.
French Coordinator is looking for partners for HORIZON-CL4-2024-HUMAN-01
A human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies
Renowned Parisian Electronic Laboratory together with several academic and business partners are looking for new partners for their Consortium on AI.
Turkish University is looking for industrial partners for the project consortium to be applied HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01-35: Biodegradable polymers for sustainable packaging materials (IA) call
Currently we have 5 partners from 4 different countries in the consortium including a university, RTOs and an industrial partner. We are looking for industrial partners/companies to provide expertise in; 1. Single-use packaging producer as industrial use case provider (preferably SME) 2. Polymer compounding 3. Material modelling / AI-ML applications partner
A Spanish Aerospace R&D institution is looking for partners to participate in the EIC Pathfinder Open Call leading a project to stablish an instantaneous quantum communication channel between Earth and Mars
The leader of QUANTEL “Quantum Noise Teleportation”, that pursues a quantum link capable of sending information at infinite speed without energy exchange, is looking for partners in quantum physics & materials, electronics, quantum cryostat technology, electromagnetism, quartz lattices & mechanical engineering machining. The goal is to teleport information based on the entanglement of the oscillation of the state of 2 remote hadrons, which occurs when they are tuned in the same quantum band.
Coordinator is seeking partners to build up a consortium. The Spanish Foundation is coordinating a proposal for HORIZON EUROPE CL2, Call TRANSFORMATIONS-01-09
Project CATALYST addresses the importance of the third sector in the social economy, advocating for adequate digital infrastructure and labour conditions to effectively fulfil its role in economy and society. It aims to bridge the EU’s inequalities by investigating the different nuances of NGOs, especially the digital divide. It offers field-tested guidelines, a management platform and protocols for employee satisfaction.
Catalan Social Economy Enterprise is looking for Social Integration Enterprises that work with vulnerable people to develop a social innovation methodology of labour integration business models to promote quality employment in Europe.
The main goal is to benchmark, co-create and pilot innovative models that enhance job opportunities for vulnerable people through innovation practices. The social enterprise is building a consortium to submit an Erasmus + call for proposals on March 22nd.
German research institute is looking for partners in Ukraine, Lithuania and Estonia for HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-07-01
A German research institute from the southwest of Germany is looking for partners in Ukraine, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Estonia for HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-07-01. The partners sought are advanced material manufacturers as well as business sectors/companies/industry that use advanced materials in their products. Deadline of the call is March 7th 2024.
Seeking consortium or partners for HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-01-07: Capacity building on Intellectual Property (IP) management to support open science
A French SME is specialized in the promotion, the development or creation of innovative projects, for any territories. It offers strategic support in the management of intellectual property assets. The company has gathered complementary technical, scientific, legal, managerial and other skills, which are complemented by an extensive network of experts. The SME is seeking consortium for HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-01-07…
Consortium and partners search for HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL EMERGING- 01-54, DIGITAL EMERGING-01-55 or DIGITAL-HUMAN-01-07 calls
French SME specialising in micromanipulation is looking for research partners to take on new challenges in areas covered by the Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Topics framework. Spin-off from a research laboratory over 10 years ago, the company is now established as an industrial actor on a European scale. With know-how ranging from the design to the integration and automation of modular, scalable robotic platforms, the company is able to offer a tailored response to both research and industrial needs.
A Spanish climate research institution seeks consortia for HE CL6 Topics related to agro livestock systems and wildlife management to cover all climate-related needs by providing local downscaled climate projections and other services
A Spanish climate research institution is interested in HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01 to join a existing consortia to support in assessing climate impact on agriculture and food security chain. They offer 30+ years of experience working in weather analysis and the adaptation to climate change with its own statistical downscaling methodology to produce local climate change projections and assess the impact of climate…
A Spanish climate-research institution seeks consortia in HE CL6 Topics related to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services to cover all climate-related needs by providing local downscaled climate projections and other services.
A Spanish climate research institution with experience in weather analysis and adaptation to climate change is interested in joining existint consortia partners on HORIZON-CL6-2024-BIODIV-02-1 & 2 -two-stage to support in climate information and helping develop and implement nature-based solutions to foster adaptation.
V prípade záujmu nadviazať spoluprácu v rámci publikovaných ponúk kontaktujte EEN zástupcov:
- Miroslava Tužinská, miroslava.tuzinska@cvtisr.sk
- Matej Smrek, matej.smrek@cvtisr.sk
Zdroj: CONNECT, 15.1.2024