V spolupráci so sieťou Enterprise Europe Network, ktorej sme členom, vám prinášame prehľad možností zapojenia sa do pripravovaných konzorcií v rámci programov EÚ za mesiac apríl 2022. Momentálne na tejto stránke prinášame len prehľad aktuálnych ponúk, ktorých celé znenie je dostupne v internom systéme EEN. V prípade, že vás niektrá z ponúk na partnerstvo zaujala kontaktujte nás. Poskytneme vám podrobné informácie o ponuke a kontakt na koordinátorov a ďalšie subjekty, ktoré hľadajú partnerov na spoluprácu.
Možnosti v rámci programu Horizont Európa:
HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE–01-07: seeking for universities, research centers, public institutions and industrial partners to join the consortium
A partnership led by an Italian university is preparing a proposal under the call HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01-07, Protection of artefacts and cultural goods from anthropogenic threats, with the aim of implementation of a digital twins technology model for Cultural Heritage and of a Cultural Heritage marking and tracing system. They are looking for universities, research centers, public institutions and industrial partners. The project consortium is currently composed of three Italian Universities; a Maltese University; a Swedish University; an University of Cipro; a University of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The proposal is focused on three points: modeling of a Digital Twin Technology for Cultural Heritage (DT4CH Model); a system for marking and tracing the Cultural Heritage; the construction of the „European Metaverse“ Digital Cultural ecosystem. The project proposal’s focus is to develop non-destructive methods and digital tools for the protection, identification and traceability of cultural goods and to contribute to the protection, tracing, restitution and safeguarding, as well as provenance research of European endangered cultural heritage. The main results will be the implementation of a digital twins technology model for Cultural Heritage and of a Cultural Heritage Marking and Tracing System. These results are in line with two of the topic’s expected outcomes. The project objectives are:
- Contribute to the sustainability of the management and safeguarding of the European cultural heritage through the creation and dissemination of low-cost technologies that can be used by the bodies responsible for protection.
- Contribute to economic growth and employment in the culture sector by defining revenue models applied to both public and private digital cultural heritage.
- Increase knowledge on Cultural law, intellectual property and in general the rights related to cultural heritage among the various actors in charge of protection and policymakers, providing elements that can lead to the necessary common legislative processes at EU level and to the elaboration of an EU policy on European Digital Cultural Heritage.
Horizon Europe HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01-Definition and classification of serious games
A foundation from Latvia is seeking for coordinator and partners for project application to Horizon Europe call HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01. The objective of the project is to analyse various definitions of serious games and as a result to propose classification of these games. Educational/research organisation partners are sought with knowledge of linguistics and experience in explaining terms in ICT field in order to participate in the research process and development of ICT sector terms. The project proposal will be submitted to the Horizon Europe call “Research and innovation on cultural heritage and CCIs – 2022 (HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01)”. It is RIA (Research and Innovation Action) with a single-stage application. At the moment the project consortium consists of a foundation and university from Latvia, European federation and international association. Educational/research organisations with knowledge of linguistics and experience in introducing/explaining terms in the field of information and communication are sought. One of the sought partners may be the project coordinator. The prior contacts to creative industries, especially in digital production and national support organisations is desirable. Experience of work with companies in the game development industry, especially in the serious game sector, is a plus. The tasks of the partners sought: to participate in the research process and development of ICT sector terms.
Horizon Europe – Interconnected Innovation Ecosystems – HORIZON-EIE-2022-CONNECT-02: structuring a technology transfer ecosystem network across Europe
The Call topic supports strategic-oriented programmes of activities to enable authorities in charge of public innovation policies and programmes, with the participation of the private sector and research & innovation actors, to implement joint activities towards innovation deployment, while tackling challenges at EU, national, regional and local level. The current proposal aims at settling an innovation ecosystem, starting from a successful experience: to expand at European level a technology transfer (TT) model already developed nationally by the Italian PRO. The main activities will include:
a) Scouting exercises within the PROs/Academic Scientific Network of technologies of possible interest for the productive world;
b) Definition and constitution of specific evaluation commissions with the participation of subjects coming from the different areas with competences in the TT for the evaluation of the scouting cards received;
c) Design and implementation of an on line database including the technology promotion cards (protected, protectable, know-how and/or available for future creation of new start-up companies) searchable by for thematic areas and available in multiple languages;
d) Development of promotion and training activities both at national and international level;
e) On a second phase, development of a dedicated section where the productive world could express its technology needs:
f) Set up of a framework to support issues related to project design, fundraising, and IPR management.
The proposal coordinator is a PRO performing multidisciplinary basic and applied activities. It supports and encourages collaborative research also promoting internal researches’ exploitation in collaboration with industrial partners and/or other institutions. The proposal will be submitted under the Horizon Europe Programme, call for proposal Interconnected Innovation Ecosystems. It is a Horizon Co-fund Action, with funding rate up to 50% of the eligible costs.
As required by the Call for Proposal, the coordinator has strategic relationships with plenty of innovation intermediaries: technology clusters, the national chambers of commerce system. Other relevant opportunities to be included in the proposal are the membership and relationships with EU Networks. The coordinator has well established relations with Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), with the National Contact Points (NCP) Network and it is a member of the Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) circle.
Desired partners are expected to bring their EU relationship or membership within the consortium, as well. Indeed, the proposal should demonstrate complementarity and synergies with other funds (EU, public and/or private) and innovation-related strategies/policies/programmes/plans at national and/or regional level, including their smart specialisation strategies, as well as other relevant programmes (e.g. EIT/KICs, EEN); applicants should outline the scope for synergies and/or additional funding, in particular where this makes the projects more ambitious or increases their impact and expected results.
HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDEROPEN-01 – looking for partners with expertise in the development of a 3D vision platform and in the development of a microtechnical and micromechanical platform for a camera system for non invasive surgery
An Italian research team is looking for partners to complete a Consortium for a Pathfinder Open proposal. The aim is developing an innovative resectoscope for trans-urethral resection of the bladder (TURB). The partner sought should be expert in developing a microcamera system for non-invasive surgery based on micromechanical movements, or the development of a 3D vision platform with an AI-based, image recognition and analysis, augmented reality system. TOPIC: EIC Pathfinder Open 2022 (HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDEROPEN-01) Deadline: 03/05/2022
A Spanish SME, that offers services and patented products in the field of nature-based solutions, is looking for entities applying to different Horizon Europe topics to be integrated into international consortiums.
A Spanish SME specialized in the sustainability field, with previous experience in the preparation and execution of H2020 granted projects, is offering their expertise providing both services and patented products focused on nature-based solutions (NBS). They aim to collaborate as partners on international consortiums applying to different Horizon Europe topics. The company is offering their know-how, skills and capabilities through research cooperation agreements. They have identified the following topics in Horizon Europe, such as Built4People, in which they could provide expertise to the consortium: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02; HORIZON-CL3-2022-INFRA-01-01; HORIZON-MISS-2021-CIT-02. The Spanish company can provide to the future international consortium:
·Research and development capabilities.
·Innovative NBS products already on the market.
·Real implementation experience.
·Participatory strategy development and implementation.
·Communication campaigns and materials.
·Project results outreach and knowledge transfer.
·Stakeholders relationships.
HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-19: seeking for national standardization body to join a proposal to develop a qualification platform for the metal additive manufacturing process based on synchrotron X-ray computed tomography
A consortium composed of Spanish, German, French, and Dutch research organizations, universities, and companies is looking for a European national standardization body to join a proposal to topic HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-19 (Advanced materials modeling and characterization, deadline 30/03/2022) for the development of standards, test guidance or guidance documents.
The project idea is to create a platform for advanced characterization of additive manufactured (AM) metallic alloys by tomographic methods and link the extracted results with simulation tools. The multiscale and correlative imaging approach coupled with in-situ methods for material characterization and processes will enable a complete microstructural characterization involving all the stages of the manufacturing technique: from initial powder (morphology, geometry, defectology, microstructure, etc.), through the AM process (powder spreading, densification, laser melting, etc.) and characterization of the final part (mechanical properties and microstructural effects, damage mechanisms, defectology, quality, etc.). This will allow looking into materials and processes in an unprecedented manner, thus paving the way for faster material development.
SME in the raw material value chain is sought, by a Greek Innovative Startup, to adopt a virtual reality training application in an Horizon2020 cascade-funding open call proposal
Extended Reality (XR) is mainly experienced through three senses: visual, audio and touch. The limitations for the sensation of touch in XR are clear. For example, consider extensively-used touch controllers which deliver life-like hand presence and enable basic interactions in the VR environment. These touch controllers try to simulate the touch sense as an alternative when natural interaction via fingers is either unsafe or impossible. In the natural world, nothing can compete with the human hand. As a result, users of touch controllers are unable to interact naturally as they would in the real world, something that significantly affects the overall user experience (UX), especially in virtual training and simulation applications. The Greek company proposes a virtual training and simulation application that could potentially replace current training procedures for operators and workers. By providing a fully immersive experience in which the hands and fingers have realistic interaction within the virtual environment, a significant problem of using XR solutions for digital training and other activities is overcome.
The unique capabilities of proposed solution enable the development of training applications that can enable the user to efficiently and accurately perform complex procedures, having a more intuitive, immersive and realistic interaction with the virtual world. The Greek company is preparing a proposal for the Cascade Funding call of Horizon2020 in which the proposed solution will be adopted. An SME in the raw materials industry is sought that could adopt the virtual training application. Web link to the call: https://h2020-minethegap.eu/open-calls/
V prípade záujmu nadviazať spoluprácu v rámci publikovaných ponúk kontaktujte EEN zástupcov:
- Miroslava Tužinská, miroslava.tuzinska@cvtisr.sk
- Matej Smrek, matej.smrek@cvtisr.sk