Expression of Interest” for Hosting Research Fellows

Interested institution:
Department of Building Construction Faculty of Civil Engineering Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) Radlinskeho 11 810 05 Bratislava Slovakia
Offered areas of research: 1. Protection of buildings against radon 2. Adaptive facades – requirements, criteria, assessment, computer-aided performance modeling 3. Facilitating the utilization of building performance simulation 4. Numerical simulation in the protection of monuments and restoration of historic buildings 5. Computer simulations on the urban scale
Application procedure and deadlines:
The implementation of projects relies on external funding, via the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie/Individual Fellowships 2019 scheme, to be applied for. This is a competitive scheme, and success depends on the candidate’s profile and quality of his/her project. The candidates wishing to elaborate a project proposal in any of the above areas should contact Dr. Roman Rabenseifer ( for a preliminary discussion. Project details, both in actual content and in methodological approach will be determined and will be fine-tuned and optimised, depending on the applicant background and skills.
Please, contact us as soon as possible in order to coordinate the preparation of the proposal.
The following documents will be required:
 Motivation letter
 CV of the applicant
Contact person:
Dr. Roman Rabenseifer
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Building Construction
Radlinskeho 11, SK – 810 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
Phone: 00421-903-552300
Please note that: Deadline of the next call for proposals for Marie Sklodowska – Curie Individual Fellowships is September 11th, 2019.
Further contact and information requests will take place directly between the host institutions´supervisor and the interested researchers. (*) Further details on the Call and additional eligibility criteria can be found at the Funding&tender opportunities Portal