Center for Innovative Education z Poľska hľadá partnerov aj zo Slovenska

Center for Innovative Education z Poľska, ktoré plánuje podávať projektový návrh do H2020 na tému Cultural and Responsible Future žiada organizácie zo Slovenska, aby vstúpilo ako partner do ich konzorcia pre výzvu H2020-TRANSFORMATIONS-04-2019-2020. Inštitúcia už oslovila niekoľko partnerov a ďalej hľadá dodatočných partnerov pre svoj projektový návrh. Prioritne majú záujem o partnera zo SLOVENSKA. Preto naváhajte a ozvite sa priamo kontaktu dole nižšie.

Pozrite si aké požiadavky vyžadujú od potenciálneho partnera.

Presently our consortium is sectorially diverse: we have National Park, two NGOs, one regional government and one university from Poland, Spain and Finland. We want to keep this diversity. More is stated in the attached Concept Note.

We would really appreciate it if you could
recommend to us institutions from (i) Slovakia, (ii) Serbia and (iii)
Bulgaria and/or Romania experienced in crossborder cooperation, if possible in
cultural tourism projects. We are looking for Partners, which meet at least 2
of the characteristics bellow:

1.  are from regions with deprived
remote, peripheral or deindustrialized areas that lag behind.

2.  are from regions with industrial
heritage sites in their area.

3.  have experience in practice cultural
management trainings or services for your local / regional
business, including SME’s

4.  are from locations which are
beneficiaries of the EU Structural Investment Funds

5.  are from regions with Minority
cultures i.e. mountainers‘ culture

6.  belong to any of the European
networks of heritage sites like the European Heritage Label sites or European
cultural routes or other.

7.  has experience with H2020 or other
EU Funds.”

Any questions should be directly sent to Ms. Joanna Bochniarz (

26.11., kas