Rámcový program



Začiatok: 23. 02. 2022 10:00

Koniec: 23. 02. 2022 12:00

Typ podujatia: Informačný deň

Organizátor: Národná kancelária Horizontu, ERC

Miesto konania: online

European Research Council (ERC) in cooperation with National Contact Point in Slovakia organises a webinar  for researchers interested in applying for an ERC grant.

ERC Vice President Prof. Andrzej Jajszczyk,  along with ERC grantees and a scientific panel member will provide tailored information, debunk myths and share some useful advice on how to succesfully apply for an ERC grant. From the people who organise the evaluations, all the way down to successful  grantees, participants will have the chance to meet the people “behind the ERC”  and demystify perceptions.

The webinar will be held on Wednesday, 23 February 2022 from 10:00 to 12:00 (CET).

If you are interested in taking part, please register below. Link to the event will be sent to the registered participants upon the confirmation of their participation.

For any questions or further information contact ERC NCP


10:00     Opening remarks

  • Andrzej JAJSZCZYK, Vice-President of the European Research Council
  • Ludovit PAULIS, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education
  • Pavol ŠAJGALÍK, President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

10:15     ERC in Horizon Europe

  • Slavka OTCENASOVA, ERC Scientific Officer

10:45     National Contact Point: Support to ERC Applicants

  • Zuzana REPTOVA, ERC National Contact Point

10:55     Roundtable session: Tips and Advice for a successful funding application to ERC

  • Darina MALOVÁ, ERC Panel Member, Comenius University Bratislava
  • Ján TKÁČ,  ERC grantee (LS), Chemistry Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • Justyna OLKO, ERC grantee (SH), University of Warsaw
  • Ondřej DUŠEK , ERC grantee (PE), Charles University

11:55     Wrap up and closing remarks

  • Andrzej JAJSZCZYK, Vice-President of the European Research Council

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