Rámcový program


Hľadajú sa partneri do vedecko-výskumných projektov (EEN)

V spolupráci so sieťou Enterprise Europe Network, ktorej sme členom, vám prinášame prehľad možností zapojenia sa do pripravovaných konzorcií v rámci programov EÚ za mesiace marec-apríl 2023. Momentálne na tejto stránke prinášame len prehľad aktuálnych ponúk, ktorých celé znenie je dostupne v internom systéme EEN. V prípade, že vás niektorá z ponúk na partnerstvo zaujala kontaktujte nás. Poskytneme vám podrobné informácie o ponuke a kontakt na koordinátorov a ďalšie subjekty, ktoré hľadajú partnerov na spoluprácu.

URGENT PARTNER SEARCH – Consortium sought under the call Future-proofing historical buildings for the clean energy transition

The municipality of a large town based in Nothern Italy is looking to join a consortium under the call HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-01-02 Future-proofing historical buildings for the clean energy transition. (Deadline – 20.4.2023)

An Italian Company developing biomass gasification technology is looking for partners specialized in gas fermentation technology

An Italian Company developing biomass gasification technology is looking for partners specialized in gas fermentation technology to test jointly the conversion of renewable syngas to added value renewable products, such as chemical building blocks, biofuels or biofertilizers.

Greek University seeks partners in the mining sector sought for Horizon Europe proposal that integrates unmanned aviation with Copernicus data for sustainable mining

A Greek University is preparing a Horizon Europe proposal that aspires to effectively address the EU Strategy for Raw materials, taking a step towards the new era of sustainable and environmentally friendly mining, by providing a smart, technologically advanced and low-cost solution: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) equipped with advanced spectroscopic, radar, optical, thermal, Raman and XRF (X-ray flourescence) instrumental techniques to help integrate and enhance data originated from the Copernicus Earth Observation System. Partners in the mining industry are sought that are willing to have the project consortium conduct tests in their mine(s). (Deadline – 20.4.2023)

Business Support Organisation from Latvia is looking to join Consortium for calls under HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01

Innovation and technology-oriented business support structure that stimulates establishment and growth of knowledge-based SMEs by creating relationships between research and industry and encouraging SMEs for trans-national cooperation is seeking Consortium for joining project application for calls: HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-04 HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-07 HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-08 The organisation have a remarkable experience in project execution. (Deadline – 24.3.2024)

French expert SME in turbomachines is looking for consortia to apply to HORIZON EUROPE cluster 5 (Destination 3, 4 & 5) and JTI CLEAN H2 – CLEAN AVIATION.

A French SME acting as a global expert in turbomachines with an extensive experience in H2020 projects is looking to join Horizon Europe (HE) projects as partner. Its core R&D activities target the following HE topics : Waste Heat Recovery systems, Thermal Energy Storage, Fuel Cell compressors, very high temperature air compressors, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. (Deadline – 5.4.2024)

Partner search for HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-08, project: SOIL HEALTH LIVING LABS

Environmental studies centre (belonging to a Public Body-municipality) wants to set up a Living Lab in the municipality with the aim of improving soil health in different land uses through co-design, co-development and co-implementation of locally adapted solutions. Soil health improvement projects focus on forestry and agricultural management, through the testing of innovative practices, on the restoration of degraded and/or potentially contaminated soils, and on urban land management. (Deadline – 19.9.2023)

V prípade záujmu nadviazať spoluprácu v rámci publikovaných ponúk kontaktujte EEN zástupcov:

ms, 4.4.2023