Rámcový program


V spolupráci so sieťou Enterprise Europe Network, ktorej sme členom, vám prinášame prehľad možností zapojenia sa do pripravovaných konzorcií v rámci programov EÚ za mesiac júl 2022. Momentálne na tejto stránke prinášame len prehľad aktuálnych ponúk, ktorých celé znenie je dostupne v internom systéme EEN. V prípade, že vás niektorá z ponúk na partnerstvo zaujala kontaktujte nás. Poskytneme vám podrobné informácie o ponuke a kontakt na koordinátorov a ďalšie subjekty, ktoré hľadajú partnerov na spoluprácu.

Italian regional airport willing to participate in a Sesar3Italian start-up, developer of a patented technology for spirulina alga production process optimization, is looking for partners and is ready to join a consortium to apply for HORIZON-MISS-2022-SOIL-01 and forthcoming Horizon Europe calls (RDRIT20220811007)

An Italian start-up has developed and patented an eco-friendly environmental production plant that optimizes the spirulina production using energy and heat produced from biogas through the anaerobic digestion of bio-mass within the same production process. The amount of production is increased by ten times. To further develop and upgrade the technology, the company is looking for partners to submit project proposals for HORIZON-MISS-2022-SOIL-01 and forthcoming Horizon Europe calls.

Viac informácii o tejto ponuke partnerstva nájdete TU.

Slovenian high-tech developer of innovative technology for soil remediation is looking for partners and is ready to join a consortium to apply for forthcoming Horizon Europe calls (RDRSI20220809012)

Slovenian high-tech company has developed innovative solution for soil remediation, where toxic pollutants like lead and arsenic are removed from contaminated soil with up to 95 % efficiency. The technology enables soil for safe food production and it can be used in different sectors/environments. To further develop and upgrade the technology, the company is looking for companies, research institutions, and other industry partners to submit project proposals for forthcoming Horizon Europe calls.

Viac informácii o tejto ponuke partnerstva nájdete TU.

Belgian SME seeks to join project consortia for „HORIZON-MISS-2022-CANCER-01-04 : Towards the creation of a European Cancer Patient Digital Centre“ call by 7 September 2022 (RDRBE20220718011)

A Belgian SME providing IT tools to enable patient education, therapeutic compliance, patient reported outcomes and experiences is seeking partners to join the call „HORIZON-MISS-2022-CANCER-01-04 : Towards the creation of a European Cancer Patient Digital Centre“ as part of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON).

Viac informácii o tejto ponuke partnerstva nájdete TU.

An Italian organization dealing with technical regulations for the electrotechnical sector, electronics and telecommunications is seeking partners for R&D projects. (RDRIT20220704009)

An Italian standardization organization dealing with the development and updating of technical regulations in the electrotechnical, electronic and telecommunication sectors is interested in exploring the possibility of exploiting its strong technical competence and managing experience in those areas for R&D co-operative projects focusing on energy transition, circular economy, digital transformation.

Viac informácii o tejto ponuke partnerstva nájdete TU.

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