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Hľadajú sa partneri do vedecko-výskumných projektov

V spolupráci so sieťou Enterprise Europe Network, ktorej sme členom, vám prinášame prehľad možností zapojenia sa do pripravovaných konzorcií v rámci programov EÚ za mesiac jún 2022. Momentálne na tejto stránke prinášame len prehľad aktuálnych ponúk, ktorých celé znenie je dostupne v internom systéme EEN. V prípade, že vás niektorá z ponúk na partnerstvo zaujala kontaktujte nás. Poskytneme vám podrobné informácie o ponuke a kontakt na koordinátorov a ďalšie subjekty, ktoré hľadajú partnerov na spoluprácu.

Italian regional airport willing to participate in a Sesar3 project proposal to develop tools to digitalize airport process (RDRIT20220608006)

An Italian regional airport is willing to participate as a partner in projects answering SESAR call to develop research and integration between airport operations and ATC. The Airport has developed a tool to manage ICAO “Global Report Format” methodology and intends to develop a new tool to digitalize airport processes such as: Industrial Research & Validation for Connected and Automated ATM or Fast Track Innovation and Uptake Multi-modality and Passenger Experience. Research cooperation sought.

Viac informácii o tejto ponuke partnerstva nájdete TU.

A french company specialised in design and manufacture of mechatronics devices dedicated to harsh environment (aerospace, military), nuclear, transportation and industrial application is looking for partners to apply to European calls „Clean Aviation“. (TOFR20220516021)

A french company is looking for partnership to apply to European collaborative program such as Clean Aviation.
The company has been committed to designing, manufacturing and supplying efficient automation and control devices for of a wide-range of applications in the Aerospace & Defense market and in many Industrial equipment market with a specific focus on application such as Access control, Railway, Nuclear and Industrial valves markets.

Viac informácii o tejto ponuke partnerstva nájdete TU.

A consortium of 8 non-academic organizations aims to develop an Augmented Digital Freight Forwarder Platform under HORIZON-CL5-2022-D6-02-07: New concepts and approaches for resilient freight transport and logistics networks against disruptive events

A consortium of 8 non-academic organizations (UK, Austria, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, The Netherlands) aims to develop an Augmented Digital Freight Forwarder Platform for supporting the decision-making of the international transportation and logistics companies with a multi-modal network.

Viac informácii o tejto ponuke partnerstva nájdete TU.

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