Rámcový program


Ponuka z Talianska

CONSERVATORIO MUSICA SANTA CECILIA ROMA, ITALY hľadá projektových partnerov (municipalities, NGOs, universities or SME specialized in sustainability) na spoluprácu na projekte v rámci klastru 2.

Preliminary project proposal title: Recovery and re-use of abandoned spaces with arts

General objective:

The project is based on the recognition of  technology and art as tools for “managing the change” of the cultural landscape. The aim of the project is  to define a participatory and inclusive process for the design of technological and artistic solutions in architectural spaces to recover and re-use abandoned public spaces and historical, sites stimulating accessibility, social inclusion and as well as strengthening sustainability.

Specific objectives:

  • Develop digital solutions (3D/4D simulations, virtual and augmented reality) that allow an unprecedented immersive, creative and artistic experience to citizens assuring accessibility and social inclusion.
  • Realise a new dimension of communication among artists and citizens.
  • Demonstrate, in line with the European Green Deal, how the re-use of spaces is sustainable.
  • Exchange knowledge, research results and best practices between creative industries, artists and policymakers to build a new dimension of the art performance.
  • Tackle the role played by digital technologies during the recent COVID-19 pandemic crisis as the most valuable means to access cultural assets.

Expected outcomes:

  • Create a sustainable praxis of regenerative development in targeted sites in the framework of the “No place left behind” idea
  • Develop good practices in the recovery and re-use of relevant abandoned spaces by using technology and art
  • Transfer and replicate in other contexts good practices, creating new cooperation paths among city governance and Cultural and Creative Industries. Increase the competitiveness of cultural and creative industries as drivers of the European way of life
  • Develop a sustainability plan for the recovery and re-use of abandoned public spaces and historical sites that governments, society and policymakers can adopt as a best practice model.

V prípade záujmu kontaktujte pána Michelangelo Galeati michelangelogaleati@gmail.com alebo príslušné NCP.

8.11.2021, elz