Rámcový program


Hľadá sa partner do vedecko-výskumných projektov

V spolupráci so sieťou Enterprise Europe Network, ktorej sme členom, vám prinášame prehľad možností zapojenia sa do pripravovaných konzorcií v rámci programov EÚ za mesiac august 2021. Aby ste na ponuky mohli reagovať, musíte byť zaregistrovaný na stránke siete www.een.sk. Ako váš kontakt pri registrácii uveďte CVTI SR.

Možnosti v rámci programu Horizont Európa:

HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-03 Partner Search: Slovak coordinator looking for project partners for development of innovative battery swap stationsss and manage heart failure patients

Slovak university as lead partner of project “Battery Swap Station” is looking for four partners for collaborative project to be submitted within Cluster 5 of Horizon Europe programme. The aim of the project is to develop an intelligent, efficient, environmentally friendly, economically sustainable, and technically safe charging concept for a selected group of electric vehicles that complements existing charging solutions.

Horizon Europe: Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility services for passengers and goods, consortium partners are sought to address the reduction in airboirne infectious diseases via a research cooperation agreement

UK based digital twin technology start up is looking to build a consortium to apply for the Horizon call (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01) relating to controlling infections on large passenger ships. They are seeking R&D, technology partners; service providers and cruise ship operators to build on their technology that is patent pending to reduce the risks of exposure to airborne transmission of infectious diseases. They seek partners via a research cooperation agreement

HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-01-04: Spanish company is looking for partners to develop food, nutritional and health formulations with gluosinolates enriched crop by-products.

The Spanish company, which is a vegetable seed supplier, is preparing a project proposal as coordinator. The objective of the project is to use glucosinolates from enriched vegetables to develop value added products. This company is searching for partners from several sectors to incorporate this plant derived glucosinolates in their formulations. The project will be submitted to HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-01 call under Horizon Europe.

HORIZON-CL1-2021-DISEASE-04-07- Spanish consortium coordinator looking for a large pharmaceutical company willing to test drugs in 3D tissue models

A Spanish biotech company with experience in primary liver cells, is writing a project proposal under the call HORIZON-CL1-2021-DISEASE-04-07. The aim of the project is to develop 3D microphysiological tissues to study post-COVID effects on the population. The consortium is almost closed, but they are also looking for a large pharmaceutical company willing to test drugs in the developed 3D tissue models under a research cooperation agreement.

HORIZON-CL3-2021-DRS-01-05 partner search: Spanish engineering company looks for partners to join an international consortium to develop fast deployed mobile laboratory and lead the infrastructure laboratories.

Spain based engineering company looks for partners to join an international consortium to develop fast deployed mobile laboratory to apply next HE CL3 call. Sought partner must be from EU or associated countries would lead an Infrastructure Work Package and be the designers and manufacturers of mobile infrastructure for laboratories, containers/shelters, flexible tents, equipment associated with safety and operation, electrical generation, biodecontamination and biowaste management.

Ďalšie príležitosti:

UK-based SME with digital platform to prevent medication errors looking for partners for Eurostars application

A UK-based SME is developing an ICT platform which eliminates medication errors, which harm patients and incurs costs for care homes and hospitals. The SME is looking at submitting a funding proposal to Eurostars for further development for commercialisation and is looking for academic and / or industrial partners to provide knowledge of drug administration processes and needs of care homes and hospitals to feed into this project. The partnership will be a research cooperation agreement.

V prípade otázok kontaktujte: Matej Smrek, matej.smrek@cvtisr.sk