Rámcový program


Partner Search Form from the Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia. They are offering their expertise as a Partner in SWAFS01, SWAFS15, SWAFS19 and SWAFS20.


The Faculty of Physics has a long lasting and vast experience both in formal and non – formal education in physics. Each year the Faculty holds several events aimed mainly at teachers and pupils but also at the general public.


The potential contributions to a Project might be:

1. basic work with the students in different schools all over Bulgaria including different contests between schools

2. training of teachers in physics and astronomy beyond the mandatory material and including science and entertainment

3. Short educational and science films for general public, arts and science films and other TV programs (Sofia University has a well developed TV licensed for educational cultural and youth policy programs at national


4.organizing open events dedicated to science promotion in different cities and towns

Contact the Faculty of Physics directly at:

Dr. Tzvetan Velinov

Email: tvel@phys.uni-sofia.bg