Európska výkonná agentúra pre klímu, infraštruktúru a životné prostredie (CINEA, bývalá INEA) podpísala grantové dohody pre 14 nových výskumno-inovačných projektov, ktoré prinesú nové riešenia a prístupy v oblasti ochrany klímy a klimatických zmien. Celkovo 94,5 milióna EUR poputuje na projekty podporené v rámci výzvy H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2019-2020: Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: climate action in support of the Paris Agreement. (Pracovný program SC5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials)
Projekty sú zamerané na vývoj novej generácie modelov systému Zeme pre lepšie budúce klimatické projekcie (téma LC-CLA-18-2020), na získavanie poznatkov pre lepšie pochopenie polárnych procesov v globálnom kontexte (téma LC-CLA-17-2020), na podporu odolnosti európskych pobrežných miest (LC-CLA-13-2020) a na rozvoj metód umelej inteligencie na detekciu extrémnych udalostí.
As part of their work, these projects will also investigate reversibility, impacts and adaptation needs in case of Paris Agreement overshooting (LC-CLA-12-2020) and provide scientific support for designing mitigation pathways and policies (LC-CLA-10-2020).
Príklady úspešných projektov si môžete pozrieť na stránkach CINEA.
Príklady úspešných projektov:
The European Green Deal needs to work simultaneously towards climate neutrality across the economy rapidly enough to achieve the Paris Agreement’s goals, while delivering on a broad range of issues, from competitiveness and productivity to employment and health. Based on a stocktake of existing climate policies and their performance, it will spell out a number of policy avenues and an overarching governance framework, to describe how the current mix of EU climate and energy policies needs to evolve in the 2020s to set course for climate neutrality by 2050. The analysis will be structured around four crosscutting core challenges, the “4 I’s”: Innovation, Investment, Infrastructure, and Integration of solutions across sectors.
Project full title:
4I-TRACTION – Innovation, investment, infrastructure and sector Integration: transformative policies for a Climate-neutral European Union.
EU contribution: €3,997 million.
Topic: H2020-LC-CLA-10-2020.
Duration: 36 months.
Partners: Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, France, Belgium, Finland, Spain
Climate change is a human problem: caused by humans, affecting humans, and requiring a human-centred solution. CAMPAIGNers aims to make low-carbon lifestyles a major part of the solution by identifying lifestyles transformation potential, and associated barriers and enablers across five continents and 16 major cities with over 20 million residents.
The project’s ground-breaking approach implements a ‘goal-setting network’, where over 100,000 citizens receive and create challenges to try out tailored adaptations to their daily routines via an engaging app.
Project full title:
CAMPAIGNers – Citizens Acting on Mitigation Pathways through Active Implementation of a Goal-setting Network
EU contribution: € 4,999 million.
Topic: H2020-LC-CLA-10-2020.
Duration: 36 months.
Partners: Austria, Ireland, Norway, South Africa, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Finland, Belgium, Greece, France, Sweden, Lithuania
Often, extreme events provide representations of the future climate but not all extremes are harbingers of the future. Thus, in order to be useful for adaptation in support to future projections, a causal link between events and human influence on climate must be established or refuted.
Using new artificial intelligence techniques, and a strong two-way interaction with key stakeholders, the project will characterize, detect and attribute extreme events using a novel data-driven, and an impact-based approach. It will assess their underlying causal pathways and physical drivers using causal networks methods.
The project will also simulate high-intensity and yet unseen events that are physically plausible in present and future climates.
Project full title:
XAIDA – Extreme events: artificial intelligence for detection and attribution
EU contribution: € 5,999 million.
Topic: H2020-LC-CLA-12-2020.
Duration: 48 months.
Partners: France, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Switzerland
SCORE – Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities
The intensification of extreme weather events, coastal erosion and sea-level rise are major challenges to be urgently addressed by European coastal cities. Science behind these disruptive phenomena is complex and advancing climate resilience requires progress in data acquisition, forecasting, and understanding of the potential risks and impacts for real-scenario interventions.
The Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA) supported by smart technologies has potential to increase the climate resilience of European coastal cities.
SCORE outlines a co-creation strategy, developed via a network of ten coastal city ‘living labs’ (CCLLs), to rapidly, equitably and sustainably enhance coastal city climate resilience through EBAs and sophisticated digital technologies. The project will establish an integrated coastal zone management framework to strengthen EBA and smart coastal city policies, creating European leadership in coastal cities climate change adaptation, in line with The Paris Agreement.
Project full title:
SCORE – Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities
EU contribution: € 9,980 million.
Topic: H2020-LC-CLA-13-2020.
Duration: 48 months.
Partners: France, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Switzerland
Zdroj: CINEA, zverejnené 8.6.2021, mit