Rámcový program


Kultúrny a kreatívny priemysel – záznam z konferencie

V júli 2023 sa v Barcelone pod španielskym predsedníctvom v Rade EÚ uskutočnila konferencia na najvyššej úrovniCultural and creative industries, cities and citizens fostering sustainable development and well-being /“Kultúrny a kreatívny priemysel, mestá a občania podporujúci udržateľný rozvoj a blahobyt“.

Jej cieľom bolo zamyslieť sa nad tým, ako kultúrny a kreatívny priemysel prispieva k zlepšeniu kvality života ľudí prostredníctvom vytvárania rôznych prístupov a koncepcií zameraných na kultúru a vedu. V rámci podujatia boli predstavené európske projekty a iniciatívy, ktoré sú nielen inovatívne a udržateľné, ale hlavne dostupné, cenovo nenáročné, sociálne angažované, obohacujúce a v súlade s iniciatívou Nový európsky Bauhaus.

Vďaka video-záznamom z konferencie ponúkame možnosť pozrieť si zaujímavé prezentácia a diskusie:

Záznam 12. 7. 2023

Časť 1 “Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries”

    •             A culture and creativity driven European innovation ecosystem – launch of the collaborative platform.

    •             The innovation of the CCIs – The EIT Culture & Creativity and complementarities with the collaborative platform.

    •             Projects on CCIs: Vision, ambition and expected results.

    •             Creative roundtable: Arts and technology for societal value.

    •             Future outlook: European policy to foster and support innovative CCIs – Horizon Europe and Creative Europe.

Časť 2 “Culture, CCIs and the New European Bauhaus”

    •             Inspirational talk: Success stories and inspiring practices of CCIs in the NEB era.

    •             Innovation in action: the NEB, its transformative vision and implementation challenges.

    •             Towards climate neutrality: more beautiful, inclusive, and sustainable cities through culture and creativity.

    •             Roundtable1: Three examples of cities that integrate the NEB through innovation, culture, energy and sustainability.

    •             Looking to the future: mitigating climate change through the conservation of cultural heritage in the cities.

Záznam 13. 7. 2023

Časť 3 “ Innovative art and quality of life in cities”

    •             High Performance Computing, a European potential to improve people’s well-being.

    •             A public space to live beyond design: when a space becomesa place.

    •             Roundtable2: The power of art and culture: different perspectives coming together to transform cities and how we live in them.

    •             Back to the future – multidisciplinary performance that fuses music and physical theatre and the collision between human creation and artificial intelligence.

    •             Roundtable3: Urbanism, cultural heritage and nature: solutions from science to protect our space.

Časť 4 “Citizen engagement”

    •             The transforming capacity of art in people and society. Analysis of the contribution and value of artistic manifestations in our daily lives and in times of crisis.

    •             Roundtable4: Presentation of real cases of success: how to involve communities, cities and citizens to innovate better. Experience and knowledge from science, policies and CCIs.

    •             Roundtable5: Now and then: new concepts and materials to enjoy our living environment.

    •             Award ceremony for the bests works of urban art exhibited in Barcelona. Resolution of the international recognition with presentation of the most popular work art (popular vote).

Zdroj: Cluster2event, 24.7.2023, elz