Rámcový program


Green Energy Technologies (ICGET 2021)

Začiatok: 14. 07. 2021 09:00

Koniec: 16. 07. 2021 17:00

Typ podujatia: Konferencia

Organizátor: University of Applied Sciences

Miesto konania: Frankfurt/online

Štát: Nemecko

V poradí už 6. medzinárodná konferencia zameraná na „Green Energy Technologies“ (ICGET 2021) predstavuje výnimočné fórum na prezentáciu najmodernejších výskumných prác a výstupov v rôznych vedeckých odboroch týkajúcich sa technológií zelenej energie. Panelové diskusie v rámci konferencie budú okrem iného zamerané na tieto témy:

  • Renewable (Green) Energy Systems and Sources (RESSs) – Wind Power, Hydropower, Solar Energy, Biomass, Biofuel, Geothermal Energy, Wave Energy, Tidal energy
  • Hydrogen & Fuel Cells
  • Energy Storage
  • New Trends and Technologies for RESSs
  • Policies and Strategies for RESSs
  • Energy Transformation from Renewable Energy System (RES) to Grid
  • Novel Energy Conversion Studies for RESs
  • Power Devices and Driving Circuits for RESs
  • Control Techniques for RESs
  • Grid Interactive Systems Used in Hybrid RESs
  • Performance Analysis of RESs
  • Hybrid RESSs
  • Decision Support Systems for RESSs
  • Renewable Energy Research and Applications for Industries
  • RESSs for Electrical Vehicles and Components
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Studies for RESs and Applications
  • Computational Methods for RESSs
  • Energy Savings for Vehicular Technology, Power Electronics, Electric Machinery and Control, etc.
  • New Approaches in Lightings
  • Public Awareness and Education for Renewable Energy and Systems
  • Reliability and Maintenance in RESSs
  • Smart grids and RESSs
  • Safety and Security of RESSs
  • Renewable Energy Systems in Smart Cities
  • Future Challenges and Directions for RESSs



Kontakt na organizátorov: Ms. Alice Lin, Hong Kong Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society,email: icget@cbees.net

Zdroj: ICGET 2021, zverejnené: 2.7.2021, mit

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